Acupuncture: What You Need to Know
Modern acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine techniques that have been in common practice for more than 2,500 years. It is based on the theory that disruptions to the natural flow of energy through the body are the cause of pain and even illness. Acupuncture seeks to correct these disrupted flows through stimulation of specific points along the body’s energy meridians.
What we know today as acupuncture is actually a family of different procedures and techniques with potentially overlapping effects. As such it should never be practiced by anyone without proper certification. When administered by a properly trained professional like Dr. Ali, D.C., in his chiropractic clinic in Thornhill, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating many common conditions including:
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
- Knee and joint pain
- Sciatica
- Various sports injuries and much more
At Professional Care Rehab Centre (PCRC), Dr Ali employs an evidence-based approach to acupuncture in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. He uses only pre-sterilized, disposable, single-use needles to ensure patient comfort and safety.
A Typical Acupuncture Session at PCRC Chiropractic Clinic in Thornhill
A typical acupuncture session at PCRC will begin with a health assessment designed to guide the doctor in his formulation of the most effective treatment protocol. Once an accurate assessment has been made treatment will begin.
- You will assume a relaxed, comfortable position on the treatment table where proper insertion points will be determined and cleaned for your safety.
- During needle insertion you may feel a slight pinching sensation. Although everyone’s experience is slightly different, there is a good chance you will feel little or no discomfort.
- Once the needles have been inserted you may experience warmth or numbness in the affected area although, again, it is possible you’ll experience no discomfort at all.
- Needles will remain in place for anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on the condition being treated.
The exact number and frequency of your acupuncture treatments will depend on the type and seriousness of your condition.
The PCRC chiropractic clinic in Thornhill provides comprehensive acupuncture therapy for a variety of conditions. Dr Ali has earned his reputation as being an experienced Acupuncture Provider in Thornhill and can devise a comprehensive treatment program for you. Call us today at 905 553 0227 to learn more about acupuncture treatment options and schedule an appointment with Dr Ali.